Seabed Survey USV

Autonomous Vessel for Survey and Inspection:
DanaDynamics’ Seabed Survey Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) is an autonomous vessel that can assist in surveying and inspecting harbours and coastlines. Its SWATH design on a monohull provides exceptional stability and a placid position in the water, making it perfect for surveying with multibeam sonar. Additionally, the monohull design makes it simple to navigate in narrow waters, while two smaller side hulls can be deployed to enhance its stability further. Equipped with DanaDynamics’ autonomous navigation system SKIPPER, it can navigate autonomously and is an excellent choice for automated data collection or surveying in ports or at sea.
The vessel’s autonomous advanced features and options for different payload compositions make it a valuable tool for various tasks, such as remote mapping and imaging. Contact us today.
Our technical experts are ready to help you find the perfect solution to suit your survey needs.
Value Propositions:
Enhancing the precision and productivity of surveys and inspections, etc.
Reducing the costs and mitigating the risks associated with data collection.
Fast real-time data equals faster analytics and decision-making.
Exploring new avenues of data collection in areas with limited access or complex conditions.
Strengthen position in the market by using new technology.
- Surveying and monitoring
- Patrolling and monitoring of ports.
- Harbour, Lake and River Surveys
- Scientific Research
- Bathymetry
- Seabed inspection and documentation
- Gradiometer data survey
- Platform for ROV and UAV
DanaDynamics ApS
Abildvej 5E, lok. 209
DK - 5700 Svendborg
VAT 39714329