Autonomous Navigation System – SKIPPER

With this scalable technology, the benefits are obvious
- Enhances the safety of the crew, minimising the risk of human error and fatigue
- Improved situational awareness onboard
- Optimises resource utilisation
- Allows repetition of predefined sailing patterns
- With a turnkey system, you can easily retrofit your entire fleet
- Combined with other systems, this technology allows for multiple missions
SKIPPER is always on watch
Take advantage of new technology and use it to improve your operations at sea. With this autonomous navigation system, your navigation will always be attended to, ensuring the safety of your mission.
The system is integrated into the propulsion and steering system and also integrates with various nautical systems. Marine obstacle detection and collision avoidance system autonomously reroutes or modifies speed to avoid obstacles and then returns to the planned course.
Sensor technology achieves collision avoidance. Using waypoint navigating, it autonomously pilots a pre-defined mission, managing heading, course, and speed. It also sends real-time data and video to the remote operator.
Add-on system
By integrating an additional autonomous navigation system from DanaDynamics, your vessel can be converted into an autonomous vessel that can safely navigate without human intervention. The system is designed to work with different nautical systems and acts as an advanced autopilot. It can be integrated with selected electric propulsion systems, and it’s compatible with combustion engines combined with additional actuation units.
We communicate via 4G/5G, VDES, direct radiolink and Starlink satellite communication.
SKIPPER can serve as a communication uplink for mission-specific sensors connected to the vessel/drone. Data integration can be further developed for specific missions.
This exceptional system is designed to gradually move towards full autonomy and can be installed on existing vessels or incorporated into new construction as a complete turnkey retrofit system, providing numerous benefits.
If you already have a vessel but need an autonomous navigation system, let us help your business reach the next level.
Experience the convenience and safety of SKIPPER. Give us a call today
DanaDynamics ApS
Abildvej 5E, lok. 209
DK - 5700 Svendborg
VAT 39714329